The Ordinary Life Project Association (OLPA) are a vibrant and responsive Wiltshire based charity providing a range of housing and support options for people with learning disabilities (neurodiversity) and /or mental ill health.
Formed in 1992, OLPA operate mainly in North and West Wiltshire and run several small registered homes as well as an outreach and supported living team who support people living in their own homes. Access to our services is usually though local authorities following a care and needs assessment, however we are more than happy to discuss alternative arrangements or explore options.
OLPA are governed by a board of trustees and are registered with the Charity Commission and Companies House.
The OLPA philosophy is that we exist to support people to do what they cannot yet do for themselves, and to foster the maximum degree of autonomy and independence. Our work places the person at the centre of all decisions about their lives and we actively challenge systems that do not encourage this. The size of the organisation allows people at every level to be familiar with all service user’s needs, wishes and aspirations and to be responsive if these things change.
Our staff are of course our greatest asset, and we invest much in training and personal development as well as fostering best practice through supervision. Our QA surveys indicate a high level of staff satisfaction with their roles, and our low staff turnover would suggest that working for OLPA is both satisfying and enjoyable.
Our Charitable status allows us to invest any surplus income back into direct services rather than paying dividends to shareholders or directors, and we continuously seek opportunities to develop our work and to improve the lives of the people we support.